

All things web and tourism!

LinkedIn Key Takeaways for 2023

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For anyone managing a company LinkedIn page to maximise their B2B and industry relationships, the following list of key takeaways will help guide your content plan, post schedule, and engagement strategies.

All tips provided are based on LinkedIn's 2023 algorithim. Enjoy more LinkedIn success in 2024!

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Instagram Post Sizes

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Instagram is widely used by tourism businesses to feature visual content (both images and short-form video) as a key social media marketing platform. It's also an effective channel for paid ad strategies to target your specified audiences. 

Given the focus on visual media for this platform it is important to know the best image & video sizes and orientations for your posts to stand out, particularly on mobile format, and avoid images displaying cropped in either your feed or profile page.

Bookmark this page to refer back to or click on the image below to save it on your desktop. Keep reading for full details on all the different image options and sizes in more detail! 

Instagram Profile

All profile pictures on Instagram are automatically cropped to display at 110 x 110...

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25 Digital Marketing Strategies for Tourism

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Digital marketing is an ever-evolving part of promoting your tourism business. With new tools and technologies being developed constantly it's vital to keep on top of the latest strategies available to you. That's why we continue to provide a wealth of content in the form of eBooks, articles, and webinars to assist with your learning journey!

Our Tourism Tech Talks series in 2023 delivered 5 digital marketing webinars with 5 strategies shared by subject experts in each. These 25 strategies are summarised below covering: Something New, Something Reliable, Something Underrated, Something DIY, and Something Trending. The five key digital marketing topics are:

  • Social Media Marketing for Tourism
  • Google Strategies for Tourism
  • Brand, Design & Storytelling
  • Technology &...

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Translating GA4 for Tourism

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Demystify Google Analytics 4

The major shift from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has been progressively phased in by users since it's launch in October 2020. However since July 2023 it has become the only option offered by Google with the sunsetting of UA.

In this article, we'll delve into some the features offered by GA4 which were presented by Renee Goodsell in our webinar "Translating GA4 for Tourism". We also share a recording of our Tourism Tech Talks webinar that covers these strategies in more detail along with additional questions from tourism businesses.

1. Something New: Calculated Metrics

Now you can create your own custom calculated metrics!

A Calculated Metric allows you to create a formula using data that Google automatically...

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Set Up Google Signals in 5 Clicks

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What is Google Signals?

Google Signals is a new feature provided in Google Analytics 4. When you turn on Google Signals it collects data from users who are signed into their Google account AND have Ads Personalization turned on. Switching this on prevents the double or triple counting of these users by allowing for bettering tracking across devices & browsers.

As we didn’t have this option in Universal Analytics, you may see this affect user data like traffic because GA is no longer double/triple counting these users on different devices & browsers.

Why Would You Want to Turn this On?

  • Your GA4 reports will present more accurate user-based data, observing their cross-device user journey, allowing for better understanding & analysis.

  • It will allow Google...

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Google Analytics 4: How To Build a Custom Report

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If you have some metrics that you prefer to see in Google Analytics reports but there's not one report that provides exactly what you are after, you can create your own customised report using the new "Explore" tab in GA4.

While this may seem like an advanced feature, it's not as complex as it sounds! The best way to discover how to do it is by simply trying to create one yourself. We are providing this step-by-step guide to help get you started, once you have the hang of it you will find this a valuable feature of GA4.

Step 1: The Explore Tab

The first task is to go to the Explore tab, it's found in the left-hand navigation bar that pops out. Then, select "Free form". 

You can use the blank option too however the Free Form is a great one to start with for your first try...

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