
Author Archives: Michelle Ackers


Michelle Ackers  |  Brand Marketing Manager

How Website User Experience Affects Your Search Ranking

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User Experience (UX) as a ranking factor in search engines

A key trend in 2024 is the importance of User Experience (UX) and how it impacts your website ranking in search engines, as identified in our article "10 Trending Marketing Strategies for Tourism in 2024". Let's look at it in a bit more detail!

Fact: Travellers plan their transport, stays and adventures online. So, when it comes to attracting bookings, your website is your storefront window. But how do you ensure it grabs attention and keeps visitors engaged? The answer lies in User Experience (UX). Excellent UX doesn't just provide a smooth browsing experience, it's a key factor in Google rankings, propelling your tourism business to the top of search results.

Why UX Matters for Tourism Websites

Google's mission is to organise the world's information and make it...

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Low Season Thriving Guide

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As a tourism business, navigating the low season can be a challenging yet pivotal time for sustaining growth and success. While the peak periods may bring a surge of visitors and revenue, the off-peak months present unique opportunities to innovate, engage with customers, and build a resilient business model. 

With a strategic approach, you can not only survive the low season but use it as an opportunity to refresh, refine, and position yourself for an even stronger peak season. 

In this guide, we'll explore actionable strategies to help your tourism business not just survive but thrive during the low season, you have to work harder for those bookings but once you hit on a formula that delivers steady bookings you can apply the strategies every year.

Grow Demand with...

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Nurturing the Traveller Journey from Researching to Booking

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If you've read about the 5 stages of travel, you will know that most travellers will progress through 5 stages in their journey from dreaming about travel through to sharing their travel experiences:

  1. Dreaming
  2. Planning/Researching
  3. Booking
  4. Experiencing
  5. Sharing

82% of people’s time is spent within the researching stage!

Within the 5 stages of travel, the planning/researching stage is where CMO of Uberflip Randy Frisch says people spend the most time trying to find out about:

  • the location they are looking to visit
  • what to do while they’re there
  • how they will get around
  • where they will stay
  • what the must do’s are, and
  • what are other people saying about the activity, accommodation, or transport options

With the majority of this time spent...

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5 Ways Effective Branding Will Boost Your Bookings

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Operating a tourism business can be extremely competitive! Standing out is key to attracting visitors and driving bookings. While offering exceptional services and experiences is crucial, effective branding can often be the differentiating factor that sets your business apart. In this article, we'll explore five ways in which investing in strong branding can significantly boost your bookings and ultimately lead to business growth.

1. Establishes Trust and Credibility

Building a recognisable and trustworthy brand is essential for gaining the confidence of potential guests. A strong brand identity communicates professionalism, reliability, and consistency, all of which are vital for instilling trust in your target audience. When travellers feel confident in your brand, they...

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10 Trending Marketing Strategies for Tourism in 2024

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The travel bug is buzzing again, and 2024 promises to be a year of exciting growth for the tourism industry. With a landscape reshaped by the pandemic and evolving traveller preferences, it's crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. The increasing use of AI-powered tools is driving more personalised content creation, effective data tracking, and better understanding of your customer journey. Embracing digital technologies will be integral to businesses of all sizes to take advantage of the continuing growth of tourism. 

Let’s explore 10 trending strategies we’ve identified that could shape marketing in 2024! 

1. You will use more AI

During 2023 we saw the rise of AI in our daily lives as well as in marketing. In 2024 we expect to see the application of AI...

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5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Marketing

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1. Refresh your Social Media Content & Calendar

Your social media platforms are a vital way engage with potential customers and broaden your reach to new audiences. The start of spring can mean a change in the tone and messaging of your social media posts. If your tourism business is in a location that benefits from higher visitor volumes through spring and summer then you'll want to become more active with regular social media posts to share your content.

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