
Category Archives: Google

Don't Lose Your Historic Universal Analytics Data!

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How To Export Data From Universal Analytics - June 30th Deadline 

Another Google-imposed deadline is looming - July 1st - it's an important deadline from Google that you don't want to miss. You have until the 30th of June to export your data from Universal Analytics (UA) before it's gone for good. 

If you've logged into your UA recently, you've likely seen the countdown ticking away. This isn't just about UA stopping new data collection - that happened last year. This time, UA will become completely inaccessible after July 1st, 2024. That means your historical data will disappear forever unless you act now. 

Here's why keeping your historical web analytics data matters: 

  • Measuring Future Performance: Past benchmarks are essential for assessing growth. 
  • Context for...

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Your Success Guide to AI for Tourism

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In 2023, AI was the talk of the town…or more accurately, the talk of the whole world!

Last year, AI stirred up plenty of excitement and conversations about how this new revolutionary technology can help businesses, research, medicine, education and industries. This was coupled with plenty of questions and concerns around safety, privacy and whether it will replace jobs.

Now in 2024, many have learnt a bit more about AI’s benefits and most have played with AI tools like ChatGPT and new AI platforms are being developed at lightning speed.

As this e-book debuts, AI's dynamism becomes evident with new use cases, new platforms, and new concerns emerging daily making any static resource about AI potentially obsolete within days. So much so that we’ve written this guide multiple...

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New Requirements for Email Senders in 2024

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New Email Authentication Requirements for Google & Yahoo

If you send out bulk marketing emails you will need to be aware of new requirements from Google and Yahoo effective from February 2024. To avoid your marketing emails being delayed, blocked, or sent to spam by Google's Gmail and Yahoo Mail you will need to ensure you meet their new email security requirements.

Check with your email provider

Email marketing software providers like Mailchimp, Hubspot, Constant Contact and Campaign Monitor should have information and tools to ensure you meet the minimum requirements for sending bulk marketing emails. 

What do you need to do?

1. Email authentication

2. Provide easy (one-click) unsubscribe links

3. Ensure you are sending wanted...

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10 Trending Marketing Strategies for Tourism in 2024

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The travel bug is buzzing again, and 2024 promises to be a year of exciting growth for the tourism industry. With a landscape reshaped by the pandemic and evolving traveller preferences, it's crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. The increasing use of AI-powered tools is driving more personalised content creation, effective data tracking, and better understanding of your customer journey. Embracing digital technologies will be integral to businesses of all sizes to take advantage of the continuing growth of tourism. 

Let’s explore 10 trending strategies we’ve identified that could shape marketing in 2024! 

1. You will use more AI

During 2023 we saw the rise of AI in our daily lives as well as in marketing. In 2024 we expect to see the application of AI...

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25 Digital Marketing Strategies for Tourism

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Digital marketing is an ever-evolving part of promoting your tourism business. With new tools and technologies being developed constantly it's vital to keep on top of the latest strategies available to you. That's why we continue to provide a wealth of content in the form of eBooks, articles, and webinars to assist with your learning journey!

Our Tourism Tech Talks series in 2023 delivered 5 digital marketing webinars with 5 strategies shared by subject experts in each. These 25 strategies are summarised below covering: Something New, Something Reliable, Something Underrated, Something DIY, and Something Trending. The five key digital marketing topics are:

  • Social Media Marketing for Tourism
  • Google Strategies for Tourism
  • Brand, Design & Storytelling
  • Technology &...

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Translating GA4 for Tourism

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Demystify Google Analytics 4

The major shift from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has been progressively phased in by users since it's launch in October 2020. However since July 2023 it has become the only option offered by Google with the sunsetting of UA.

In this article, we'll delve into some the features offered by GA4 which were presented by Renee Goodsell in our webinar "Translating GA4 for Tourism". We also share a recording of our Tourism Tech Talks webinar that covers these strategies in more detail along with additional questions from tourism businesses.

1. Something New: Calculated Metrics

Now you can create your own custom calculated metrics!

A Calculated Metric allows you to create a formula using data that Google automatically...

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