
Category Archives: Tourism Marketing

Big Changes at Tomahawk and ResBook!

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Tomahawk and ResBook are thrilled to announce a comprehensive revamp of our service offerings, designed to better cater to the diverse needs of the tourism industry. This strategic initiative comes as a response to invaluable feedback from the industry’s key stakeholders and recent changes in ResBook’s ownership.   

The objective is to deliver more targeted and efficient solutions to tourism businesses of all sizes, enhancing their digital presence. Both sister brands will continue to provide expertise to clients in the New Zealand, Australian and South Pacific tourism markets. John Hayson, Company Director of Tomahawk explains:  

 "Listening to our stakeholders is a vital part at the heart of our strategy. This revamp allows us to better serve our clients and stay ahead...

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Tomahawk Partners with Accommodation Australia

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We are thrilled and proud to share our new partnership with Accommodation Australia! They are leading a nation-wide major project across the tourism, travel & hospitality industry to promote and grow the workforce leveraging (and enhancing) the platform we developed for Go with Tourism!

“The GWT team with Tomahawk’s support created something very powerful for the tourism and hospitality industry,” says Dame Kerry Prendergast Tourism Industry NZ Trust Chair. “We are very pleased to see the valuable work of Go With Tourism being leveraged by our friends in Australia.”

Tomahawk has been engaged to develop the platform for the Australian market to allow employers, prospective workers, students and international visitors to connect to education, employment and other vital...

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Low Season Thriving Guide

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As a tourism business, navigating the low season can be a challenging yet pivotal time for sustaining growth and success. While the peak periods may bring a surge of visitors and revenue, the off-peak months present unique opportunities to innovate, engage with customers, and build a resilient business model. 

With a strategic approach, you can not only survive the low season but use it as an opportunity to refresh, refine, and position yourself for an even stronger peak season. 

In this guide, we'll explore actionable strategies to help your tourism business not just survive but thrive during the low season, you have to work harder for those bookings but once you hit on a formula that delivers steady bookings you can apply the strategies every year.

Grow Demand with...

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Your Success Guide to AI for Tourism

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In 2023, AI was the talk of the town…or more accurately, the talk of the whole world!

Last year, AI stirred up plenty of excitement and conversations about how this new revolutionary technology can help businesses, research, medicine, education and industries. This was coupled with plenty of questions and concerns around safety, privacy and whether it will replace jobs.

Now in 2024, many have learnt a bit more about AI’s benefits and most have played with AI tools like ChatGPT and new AI platforms are being developed at lightning speed.

As this e-book debuts, AI's dynamism becomes evident with new use cases, new platforms, and new concerns emerging daily making any static resource about AI potentially obsolete within days. So much so that we’ve written this guide multiple...

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LinkedIn Image Sizes

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LinkedIn is an important platform for networking and building business to business relationships, and for recruitment. For the tourism industry there is an active community of tourism professionals, business owners, managers and related government organisations. 

We recommend a strong presence on LinkedIn for both your personal profile and your company page to foster your trade relationships and to build awareness of your team, products & services and brand.

LinkedIn Profile Page

Profile Picture 

  • Recommended pixel size: 400 x 400 pixels
  • Supported file types: JPG and PNG

Cover Picture

  • Pixel size: 1584 x 396 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 4:1
  • Maximum file size: 8MB 
  • Supported file types: JPG and PNG 

Note that your LinkedIn cover picture will display...

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Tomahawk to be an Event Supporter at TRENZ 2024

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We are thrilled to announce our role as an official event supporter at TRENZ 2024. The event, organised annually by Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA) on behalf of the Tourism Industry New Zealand Trust, is the premier tourism trade event to showcase New Zealand's tourism products and experiences. 

While Tomahawk has historically participated in TRENZ as a tourism services provider, our increased engagement and support this year underscores our dedication to fostering success within the tourism sector. 

Considering both delegates' and exhibitors' needs at TRENZ, we have devised a unique activation. At TRENZ 2024, we will showcase a popcorn space and mobile snack delivery trolley, offering not just bite sized treats but also snack sized digital marketing insights to enhance...

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