

All things web and tourism!

5 SEO Marketing Success Factors for Travel

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It’s time to ask yourself if you’ve done everything you can to market your travel website to the right audience. If not, now is the time to try these 5 sure-fire strategies to boost your website performance:

Optimize your images

The number one selling feature of any travel-related website is photos. Some may say an image-heavy website is bad for SEO. We beg to differ. Images can be optimized with keywords using the alt tags and with proper naming conventions. These are also crawled by Google Bots and are displayed in both the Image Search results and the Universal results page. As a pro tip: submit an image sitemap in your Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) to get those beautiful pictures crawled. Another plus points for beautiful pictures – they’re not just good...

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GDPR - What is it and what do you need to do?

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GDPR. No, it’s not just another buzzword that’s afloat on the internet. Everyone with a website needs to pay attention!

What is GDPR?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and it goes into effect internationally on the 25th of May 2018. GDPR is an updated version of the Data Protection Directive that has been in effect since 1995. In the simplest terms, it boils down to protecting the rights of people who give you their personal data.

What personal data you may be collecting?

If you have Google Analytics, videos played on your site from YouTube, an e-commerce function that collects billing information and other features that load automatically on your site via “cookies” then you are collecting personal data.

GDPR does not only affect your business and your...

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4 tips to conquer Facebooks latest update

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Facebook has done it again!

Facebook is working hard to keep businesses on their toes with a major overhaul planned for 2018. Their vision is to change your news feed in the coming months with a new algorithm that will prioritize posts from friends, family and groups first, leaving business content at the bottom of the barrel. Pay close attention, your organic reach may just drop off a cliff!

What does this mean to your business page? Mostly that your organic reach (which currently only reaches about 2 - 4% of your audience) is going down to zero.

However, hope is not lost, there are ways to reach your target audience, you will just have to be smarter about it.

Here are our four top tips to ensure your posts don’t get lost.

1.  Generate original, shareable...

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Chatbots: The Future of Travel

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The world is at a turning point.

In 2016, Facebook CEO Mark took to the F8 Stage to announce the availability of the Messenger Platform. He claimed that bots would take the friction out of digital interactions. The platform would enable organisations to build “chatbots” that can interact with people who request information, order products and have customer service issue. It connects organisations to their audience in a more personal way, real-time.

Fast-forward a year later and we find ourselves in a time where messaging apps have surpassed social networks. According to Business Insider Intelligence, “the combined user base of the top four chat apps is larger than the combined user base of the top four social networks.” The combined global monthly active users of the Facebook,...

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A Guide to User Generated Content for the Travel and Tourism Marketing

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user generated content for tourism

The best way to sell travel is to tell stories about the experience. Whether it is skinny dipping in the crystal-blue oceans of the Bahamas or bungee jumping from the Macau Tower in China, you want your audience to feel the excitement as if they were there themselves.

However, the credibility of your story is best augmented by first-hand experiences. So, as a travel agency, if you want to sell any experience, the surest way to do so is let original travellers tell their story. Give them a free rein- a platform on your site- to share the joy and excitement they felt on their journey. This user-generated content (UGC) will go a long way to boost the number of enquiries about your service.

What is User Generated Content?

In online marketing, content is everything. In addition...

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Google 'Not Secure' Notification Roll Out

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Last week, Google reached out to website owners through Google Search Console informing them that from October 2017, Chrome will mark HTTP pages that collect data through forms as ‘not secure’. Below is an example of the message sent by Google.
The most common examples of collecting data through forms include: 
• when somebody tries signing up to your email newsletter
• when somebody is making an enquiry on your website.

Starting from version 62 of Chrome, Google will start flagging sites as “not secure” when entering data on a page – e.g. enquiry forms, etc. We’re currently at version 60.
62 will be released in October.
Here’s how it will look…

Why act now?

Migrating your website to HTTPS is quickly becoming a necessity.
• HTTPS is regarded as a...

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