
Pinterest Image Pin Sizes

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Our team loves Pinterest as a platform for our tourism clients to inspire and attract potential customers! Pinterest is the social platform where 498 million people go for inspiration each month, and most of which are women (more than 60%), who are also key decision-makers for holiday planning!

Harnessing Pinterest can really make an impact on driving awareness of your business and leading people on a journey to book with you!

For your convenience we have provided the Pinterest recommended image sizes for your profile, feed and ads. 

Pinterest Profile Page

  • Profile picture: 165 x 165 pixels
  • Profile cover photo: 800 x 450 pixels

Pinterest Feed

Pinterest Image Pin

  • Recommended image size: 1000 x 1500 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 2:3
  • Accepted file types: JPEG and PNG
  • Maximum file size: 20MB (desktop), 23MB (in-app)

Pinterest Video Pin

  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 (square), 2:3 or 9:16 (vertical) 
  • Accepted file types: MP4, MOV, M4V
  • Maximum file size: 2GB 
  • Recommended video length: minimum 4 seconds, maximum 15 minutes 

Pinterest Story Pin 

  • Recommended image size: 1080 x 1920 pixels

Pinterest Infographic

  • Recommended image size: 1000 x 3000 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 1:3

Pinterest Ads

Pinterest Promoted Image Pins

  • Recommended image size: 1000 x 1500 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 2:3 
  • Accepted file types: JPEG and PNG
  • Maximum file size: 20MB (desktop); 23MB (in-app)

Pinterest Promoted Video Pins 

  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 (square), 2:3 or 9:16 (vertical) 
  • Accepted file types: MP4, MOV, M4V
  • Maximum file size: 2GB 
  • Recommended video length: minimum 4 seconds, maximum 15 minutes

Pinterest Video Ads

Maximum-width video ads expand full-screen on mobile.

  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 (square) or 16:9 (widescreen). They can’t exceed the height of a 1:1 aspect ratio 
  • Accepted file types: MP4, MOV, M4V
  • Maximum file size: 2GB 
  • Recommended video length: minimum 4 seconds, maximum 15 minutes

Pinterest Carousel Ads

  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 or 2:3 
  • Accepted file types: JPEG and PNG
  • Maximum file size: 20MB per image
  • Maximum images: 5 images per carousel 

Pinterest Collection Pins or Ads

These ads appear as one main image above three secondary images below, in feeds, on mobile devices. 

  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 or 2:3 (for the main image), and 1:1 for secondary images; 1:1, 2:3 or 9:16 for videos
  • Accepted file types: JPEG and PNG (for image collections); MP4, MOV or M4V for collections with a video as a main asset
  • Maximum file size: 20MB per image; up to 2GB for video
  • Minimum of secondary images: 3 

Pinterest Promoted App Pins

  • Image size: 1000 x 1500 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 2:3 

Pinterest Shopping Ads

  • Image size: 1000 x 1500 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 2:3 

Learn More About Pinterest for Tourism

Check out this handy guide on how to 'Pin Down" Pinterest for tourism.

Download Guide

Facebook Image Sizes YouTube Sizes Instagram Image Sizes TikTok Video Sizes

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