
Activating your Regional Business Partner Network Voucher

Congratulations! You have been successfully offered a Regional Business Partner Network (RBPN) Voucher. To activate your voucher and engage with Tomahawk please follow these eight simple steps.

1. Log-in to the RBPN Website using your log-in details.

2. This will take you to your HOME page which shows Unused Vouchers currently available for use by your company.

3. Click on the Marketplace link at the bottom, left of the screen.

4. In the search field put Tomahawk, and click Search.

5. If more that one product or course is available to select, choose the one relevant to your business.

6. Click on Make Booking to the left of the available product or course.

7. You should now be looking at the Select a Voucher page. Click the far right (unlabeled) round indicator box next to the appropriate unused voucher, then Continue.

8. Enter your name and email address details. Click Next, then Confirm.

Please note that activation of the voucher must be done within 30 days of issue, otherwise it will expire.

If you feel you need help outside of the programs listed please get in touch. We can work with you to put together an approved program suited to your business for which funding may still apply.