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Google's Warning to Non Mobile Friendly Websites

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All we seem to be reading about at the moment is the Google Mobile "Armageddon", the premise that on the 21 April if you are not mobile-friendly your website will be surreptitiously wiped off the face of search.

But it’s not quite all that dramatic. Let’s look at what is actually involved and whether you should be panicking just yet.


We've been telling our tourism clients this for some time now: you must invest in a mobile-friendly (ideally responsive) website to succeed online. It’s no longer a “nice-to-have” - it’s a must-have.

  • There are 1.08 billion smartphones in the world
  • 50% of local search is done on a mobile device
  • Nearly half of consumers say they won’t return to a website if it doesn’t load well on mobile

Last year...

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